
The Birth of Islam and Its Origin

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When and where did Islam start, its impact on Humanity and the birth of Islam and its origin.

Origin of Islam

Islam is a religion known as religion of peace. Islam was born with the prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH), when he received the first revelation in Mecca in 610 AD in the cave of Hira. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) then started preaching the oneness of Allah and gave Islam to the people of Quraysh.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) openly condemned the worship of idols and propagates Islam in Mecca. When he faced opposition in Mecca, he had to migrate to Yathrib which is now known as Medina to spread Islam to the Ansar people of Medina. Later, Muhammad (PBUH) came back to Mecca after several battles and conquered Mecca.

Where was Islam originate?

Islam originated in what is now known as Saudi Arabia. It was founded by
an Arab named Muhammad (PBUH). In the year AD 610, at the age of 40, Muhammad declared to have been visited by the angel Gabriel in a vision. Muhammad (PBUH) states that over the course of the next 22 years, the writings of the Quran, the scripture of Islam, were revealed to him.

Muhammad (PBUH) was a merchant from Mecca, the city which even today serves as the spiritual capital of Islam. One commandment in the Quran is that every Muslim is required, if economically possible, to take a pilgrimage to Mecca. In Mecca they come to the Kabah, a large black meteorite which was the former idol to the pagan god Allah. Muhammad (PBUH) took the former pagan god Allah and raised him up to be the only God of his new monotheistic religion.

After several years of gaining very few converts to his new religion,
Muhammad (pbuh) was expelled from Mecca. He migrated to Medina, a smaller city not too far from Mecca. In Medina he gained many more converts. Through a series of piratical raids on caravans from Mecca and three battles,
eventually Muhammad (PBUH) conquered Mecca. By the time of his death in AD 632, Muhammad (PBUH) had succeeded in conquering, if not converting much of the Arabian Peninsula and thus the religion known as Islam was born

Facts about Islam

  1. The word “Islam” means “to submit to Allah only and to serve Him.” The disciples who follow Islam are known as the Muslims. Muslims pray only to Allah, the one and only God.
    The Muslims pray regularly to Allah and follow the guidance of Allah through the Holy Quran and adhered to the teachings of the Holy Prophet.
  2. The Muslims also hold firm beliefs in all the prophets sent by Allah to preach Allah’s law. Furthermore, the Muslims declare and accept that Muhammad (PBUH) was the last prophet of Allah.
  3. All Muslims pray in congregations in mosques as the place of worship.
  4. The Holy book Known as Quran is the only guidance left to mankind to follow. The teachings of the holy Prophet have been gathered in the form of Hadith which Muslims also follow.
  5. Last but not least true Muslims also believe in the last day of Judgment.

What Islam gave to Humanity?

Islam, as it has been declared by the Holy Quran, is the perfect religion and in fact the completion of the Lord’s favour upon man so far as the regulation of his life is concerned.

“This I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favours upon you and have chosen for you Al- Islam as your religion (al- Quran, 5:4).

This verse eloquently speaks of the fact that the favours of Allah in the form of Deen – Code of Life have been perfected in al- Islam and nothing that is not rooted in it, whether in the form of belief or in the form of individual and social behaviour, is acceptable to Allah.

A religion as self- contained and realistic as Islam is must provide answers to all spiritual and secular questions and should offer to humanity not only a new metaphysical outlook, but a comprehensive programme of revolution in human life – both in its individual and social aspects.
Let us start with the very basic concept of religion. To a non-Muslim nurtured on a traditional concept of religion, it is only a private relationship between man and his Creator. But for a Muslim religion comprehends the whole of life- its pattern of thought and behaviour.

It posts the ideal of a life in which, from the cradle to the grave, not a single moment is spent out of tune with or merely unprovided for by a religious ruling. No sphere is left in which the thoughts deeds of a Muslim – both in his personal and public life – are inconsequential for his fate in the hereafter. In short in Islam, one cannot find a no man’s land to which religion does not lay a claim. That is the reason why Allah exhorts people to accept Islam in its entirety.

O you who believe! come all of you into submission (to Him); follow not the footsteps of the devil. He is an open enemy for you” (al-Quran, 2:208)


Today, in this modern world, Islam is one of the largest faiths with a population of 1.8 billion Muslims across the world. Islam took birth in Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, 1400 years ago and still spreading and practised by billions of Muslims worldwide.


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